Spells for Anxious Tops

Your fear comes along because you care. Once the suspension lines are up, and the going gets tough the anxiety is always there. Here is a long incantation to dispel that dreaded frequency that makes your hands shake, your breath become shallow, and the scene end up cut short and your bottom unsatisfied. To tie, after all, is to cast a spell. Recite this when necessary:

Here, today, I give you permission to suffer. In this shining moment of the watchers, I give myself permission to observe. Each rope is an intended input. I will measure each impulse and wait for its counterpart, your output of emotion. You adapt to the rope’s hidden language and I notice. Yes, the clock has started, anxiety is there. I am grateful, it makes me more alert. I am anxious because I care. Breathe. Find the rythm. I will not take away your challenge. This is where you want to be. Your body tells me so. We will climb the mountain together.


The Lightning Bolt


Notes from Devil Mask Studio